The Council usually advertises entry periods and entry procedures in national newspapers. In respect of the WASSCE for example, the Council conducts two exams each year; the first in May/June for school candidates and the second in October/November for private candidates.

Registration for either May/June or the November/December WASSCE is done through the Internet (online). The May/June exam is for school candidates and all entry formalities are undertaken by the schools presenting candidates.

In the case of the private candidates' examination, entry is on an individual basis. A prospective candidate purchases the entry scratch card which enables him/her to complete the entry form on the Council's registration A registered candidate subsequently prints out from the website the identification photo card, which contains vital information about the candidate's centre name, location, number and the subjects entered for. The examination timetable and subject syllabuses are also made available to prospective candidates on the website.

It is important to note that once the prescribed fee is paid to the accredited selling agent, a prospective candidate obtains two scratch cards, one for the online registration and the other for the online checking of results.

A confirmation of result can be processed by submitting to WAEC the following:

  1. One plain foolscap envelope
  2. One stamped, addressed envelope for each confirmation of results
  3. =N=250 postage stamp for local mails
  4. =N=350 postage stamp for international mails
  5. An affidavit sworn to in a court of law which should contain the following details:
    1. Candidate's Name (in full)
    2. Name of Examination
    3. Year of Examination
  6. Two copies of candidates's passport photograph per result
  7. Fee for confirmation of resultis:
    1. =N=10,000.00 per result for overseas institutions
    2. =N=5,000.00 per result for institutions within Nigeria

Confirmed results are not handed over to candidates. They are sent direct to the institutions/establishments which candidates want to provide with the information.

No. Accreditation is carried out by the Federal Ministry of Education alone.

In the case of the school examination, the prospective candidate must be in the SS 3 class in a recognized school, For the private candidates' examination, any one of the following categories may enter for the WASSCE:

  1. Those who have attempted the WASSCE in previous years;
  2. Those who have attempted the GCE and obtained a pass in at least three subjects;
  3. Those who have passed the Teachers’ Grade two examination.

First, a committee of experts draws up a marking guide. All appointed examiners are then thoroughly drilled in all aspects of the marking scheme in a simulated marking exercise called co-ordination. Actual marking does not start until the coordinating officers are satisfied that all examiners know what is required of them. Even when actual marking begins, the examiners are not left entirely on their own.

They are organised into small groups, each being supervised by a highly experienced examiner called a Team Leader. The Team Leader checks and vets the group members' marking progressively to ensure that they are keeping to the guidelines.

The Team Leaders themselves are supervised by more experienced examiners called Chief Examiners. When marking is finally completed, WAEC still goes ahead to employ another group of people called Checkers. The main role of Checkers is to ensure that all marks awarded by examiners are correctly recorded and transferred to the appropriate score sheets.

Yes. Reports about functionaries who are teachers are made to the various State Ministries of Education and All Nigerian Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPSS) for disciplinary measures. Such functionaries have been disciplined in the past. WAEC has its own procedures for disciplining erring inspectors.